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  • Writer's pictureAmi Kassar

AmiSight 8/6: From Hurdles to Heights: Empowering Women’s Real Estate Success

In this week's edition of the AmiSights Podcast, we speak with Elizabeth Convery, founder of ⁠The Confident Agent: A System for Growth and Success for Women in Real Estate. She shares how her transition from the corporate world right after college helped her become a more effective entrepreneur.

“Women need a community of others who are at similar stages. And so the coaching model is group coaching because it allows women to experience together similar issues, similar challenges, hear how somebody's overcoming something, and get an idea from somebody else as they're saying things that have worked for them. And then, the coaching is me sort of facilitating and guiding that.“

The main topics of today's episode will be:

  • How falling forward and learning from her missteps shaped her into a successful entrepreneur.

  • How radical discipline and having the confidence to delegate duties helped her transition to starting a second business.

  • Why real estate agents need to have an authentic online presence.

Catch this week's podcast on SpotifyApple PodcastGoogle PodcastsPocket CastsRadioPublic, and Copy RSS.

You can also watch the full episode on the AmiSights YouTube Channel. Get a sneak peek every Monday, and watch the full episode on Tuesdays!

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