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Writer's pictureAmi Kassar

When It Comes To Financing : Think Long Not Short

Take a minute and imagine that you just purchased a new business in February of 2020. When you did it, you choose to finance the business with a five-year note instead of a ten-year note. You didn’t like the idea of having debt -and you wanted to get it over with. You decided to stomach the bigger payments.

And then – the unexpected happened – Covid hit and your business changed for the worse in unimaginable ways. You wished you had made a different financing decision.

Financing strategy is always about playing offense and defense. And that’s why I often encourage entrepreneurs to think about using the SBA – to buy themselves the flexibility of 10-year money – especially with no pre-payment penalty.

Want to learn more about how you can take advantage of the SBA to help you with your business? Join us for a live webinar at noon EST today or sign up for on-demand learning here.

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